In this multicultural city, you can see the effects of Germany, Austria, even Russia. When you visit the city you see even more influences than these countries. Besides these, it includes hundreds of extraordinary beauties too. For an ideal quick trip, 5 days are enough, though you will never feel enough :))
Prague consists of several parts, and it is possible to see those parts on the city map.
Here is my must-be-seen list :
- The Jewish Town,
- the Old Town,
- the Charles Bridge,
- the Castle,
- Loreta,
- Vysehrad.
Praha 1 covers Old Town and the Castle area. The bridge separates the castle part from the old town.
From Mustek metro station you can reach the new city and the old town. In this part of the city you find:
- Charles Bridge (Karlův most)
- Boat trips (just behind this historical bridge.)
- Lessser Town
- Municipal House (OBECNÍ DŮM)
- Powder Tower (Prašná brána)
- The old town square
- The Astronomical clock (Pražský orloj)
- New Town Hall
- Strahov Monastery
- Church of Our Lady Before TYN
- National Theatre
- St Nicholas Church
- Old New Synagogue
The Jewish Town Hall (Židovská radnice) in Josefov, Prague, is an 18th century Rococo building that is the center of the local Jewish community. It is perhaps best known for its two clocks (one with Roman numeral markings, and the other, lower, with Hebrew numbers.
Praha 2 is on the other side of the city. Vysehrad is a park with a whole view of the city that is worth visiting in this part. To go there you need to take the metro, the name of the station is Vysehrad.
Praha 5
Bertramka Mozart's house and the Dancing Building are in this part.
Kutna Hora
Dumplings (“knedliky”): They are the Czech traditional side dish containing wheat or potato flour, the combination is boiled in water as a roll and then sliced and served hot.
Trdelník, a traditional cake, is made from rolled dough, wrapped around a stick then grilled and topped with sugar and walnut mix.
Rice, potatoes (boiled, baked, or fried) are other side dishes. Chicken, duck, turkey, fish, rabbit, and lamb are also used in some very tasteful Czech dishes.
A good choice can be the Guláš (read like in English, “goulash“), even though it basically belongs to traditional Hungarian cuisine.
Also, you can find some Czech classics out of the restaurants, such as Fried Cheese (Smažený Sýr, read “smazhenee seer”) garnished with potatoes (I recommend baked potatoes) and Tatarská Omáčka, read “tatarska omachka (Tartar sauce).
Czeck cuisine provides several soup opportunities. The most appreciated Czech soups (polévka) are onion (Cibulačká, read “tsibulachka”) and garlic soup (Česneková polévka, read “Chessnekova polevka”), but the specialty for Christmas is the fish soup (Rybí polévka). Also, another very tasty one is Goulash Soup (Gulášová polévka), a spicy thick (creamy) soup, served with brown bread.
It is not fair finishing this part without mentioning the famous Czech beer(pivo); Czech beer deserves its fame !!! I suggest you try dark Czech beer or a mixture of dark and light beers. The most famous brand is Pilsner Urquell. Hot wine (Svarak) is also popular. Besides these, there is a famous drink which doesn't include alcohol: A native coke called Kofola. In comparison with Coke, it contains 30% less sugar, 50% less caffeine and it does not contain phosphoric acid. It tastes herbal flavor and in my opinion, it is pretty original.
About shopping in Prague, keep in mind that you can find the chinaware and crystals here for a reasonable price.
Basic Expressions
- Good morning: Dobré jitro
- Good day: Dobrý den
- Good evening: Dobré večer
- Goodbye: Nashledanou
- Yes: Ano
- No: Ne
- Please: Prosím
- Thank you: Děkuji
- Excuse me: Promiňte/Dovolte prosím
- Sorry: Pardon
At the airport, there are some daily tickets, 3-day, 5-day tickets for the buses. Once you validated them at the first use, you don't have to validate them just don't forget to keep it with you all the time during your trips.
Again at the airport, you will find the first tourism information point to get the first info and most importantly a map.
From the airport after buying your ticket, take Bus 119 to Devijvicka station which is the last station. When you get off at that station take the metro and get off at Mustek or Museum stations both are at the downtown of the city.
Metro Lines
Metro is the most efficient, fast, and highly integrated way of transport in Prague (05.00 a.m. to midnight). The three metro lines are:
Line A (Green): From Skalka to Dejvicka running east to west.
Line B (Yellow): From Cerny most to Zlicin running east to west.
Line C (Red): From Ladvi to Haje running north to south.
The three transfer stations where two lines intersect each other.
Mustek (lower end of Wenceslas Square): lines A and B
Muzeum (upper end of Wenceslas Square): lines A and C
Florenc (main bus station): lines B and C
Enjoy Praha!
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